Visit Humboldt

Work with Visit Humboldt County, California

How it Works

We’ve partnered with Visit Humboldt to work with content creators like yourself. You’ll capture authentic content to show off the top spots that Humboldt County has to offer and get paid for your work! Create stories that share your local expertise with travellers on what makes this beautiful community of Humboldt County worth visiting. To get started:

  1. Become a CrowdRiff Creator.
  2. We’ll be in touch via email to help you navigate downloading the app, getting paid for your work, and how to choose which assignments you want.
  3. Select which Points of Interest you want to cover from the available list in our app.
  4. Create your assigned CrowdRiff Creators “Stories” through our app.
  5. Get paid for your work!

Earn Rewards for Visit Humboldt

Humboldt County, California, nestled along the picturesque Northern California coast, has been enchanting visitors with its rugged natural beauty and eclectic charm for generations. Known for its towering redwoods, the misty allure of its coastal towns, and a vibrant community spirit that celebrates the arts, culture, and sustainability, Humboldt invites travellers to immerse themselves in an experience like no other. From the serene paths of the Redwood National and State Parks to the historic streets of Eureka and Arcata, Humboldt County curates a selection of top spots that showcase its unique blend of natural wonders and cultural treasures. By bringing travellers along on a journey of discovery and sharing Humboldt’s hidden gems, you can earn rewards that deepen the connection to this extraordinary region. Explore Humboldt County and let its magic transform your travels into an unforgettable adventure

  • All stories must meet the base guidelines.
  • Follow any provided brand guidelines.
  • Create assigned Stories within 3 weeks.
  • Visit Humboldt reserves the right to not compensate Stories that do not capture the Point of Interest, were not assigned to the creator or do not meet the above requirements.

Have any questions?

We are happy to answer any questions at